SummerSlam was live from the Barclay Center in Brooklyn, New York. I write this article ecstatic about the biggest show of the summer, but concerned that, for the second year in a row, that SummerSlam may be topped by the NXT Takeover. Takeover was a hell of a show from top to bottom, with title bouts and grudge matches that had incredible buildups and solid blow offs. Since developmental was able to knock it out of the park, was the main WWE show of the weekend able to hang?
ENZO AMORE & BIG CASS vs. CHRIS JERICHO & KEVIN OWENS: We opened with quite a long winded promo about how much Enzo & Cass love the Big Apple. Once the match got started, Owens and Jericho dog piled Enzo. The crowd started quite the boisterous “stupid idiot” chant. Cass got the tag and unleashed heavy blows to Owens. Cass & Enzo made quick tags, keeping their opponents off balance. Jericho nailed Enzo with a drop kick from the second rope, cutting him off. Owens unleashed knife edge chops, which blistered Amore’s chest. Jericho tried to wear down Amore with a reverse chin lock. Owens followed that up with a similar stratagem. Amore was dragged out of the ring by Owens, by Amore, but Enzo dropped him with a stinging Enziguri. Before Amore could make the hot tag, Jericho cut him off. Owens delivered a near perfect frog splash to Enzo, but wasn’t able to get the three count. Amore dodged a cannonball by Owens and finally got the hot tag to Cass. Cass then proceeded to clean house with stiff forearms and the move that Michael Cole loves to scream to the top of his lungs, the “Empire Elbow”. Enzo tagged in and hit Jericho with the DDG, but Jericho kicked out of the pin. The match was wrapped up when Owens launched Amore into a Code Breaker, allowing them to pick up the win. WINNERS: CHRIS JERICHO & KEVIN OWENS
CHARLOTTE vs. SASHA BANKS (Women’s Championship): Banks went right at Charlotte from the opening of this match, evading much of Charlotte’s offense, and then trying to lock in the Banks Statement two minutes in. A top rope side slam by Charlotte was botched and Banks was dumped unceremoniously dumped on her neck. Charlotte locked in a Gory Special, but Banks refused to tap out. Banks fought through the pain, delivering several cross body blocks, but Charlotte cut her off by delivering a snap backbreaker. She then put Banks in a Tree of Woe and stomped a mud hole in Sasha. Charlotte went for a top rope Razor’s Edge, but Banks (channeling her idle, the late great Eddie Guerrero), reversed it into a Hurricanrana. Banks used an innovative submission, a Boston Crab while Charlotte was pinned into the second rope. Banks was visibly nursing her back through the majority of the match and either it was magnificent selling, or Charlotte legitimately injured her. Banks went for the Back Stabber, but she missed it, likely due to her back injury. Charlotte tried to hit Natural Selection, but Banks countered into the Banks Statement. Charlotte was able to escape the move, but became frustrated after repeated pin attempts proved to be futile. Banks went for her submission move again, but Charlotte countered and was able to pin Banks’ shoulders to the mat for the 1, 2, and 3. WINNER: CHARLOTTE
APOLLO CREWS vs. THE MIZ (Intercontinental Championship): The Miz unleashed a hellacious volley of punches and kicks to try and take out Crews early on. Crews then got locked in a front headlock. Miz went to the top rope, but Crews nailed him with a beautiful dropkick. He followed up with a Stinger Splash and a cross body block. Crews nearly got hit by the Skull Crushing Finale. Miz went for his Turnbuckle Clothesline, but Crews caught him and then hit a powerslam and followed it up with a moonsault. Crews made a fatal mistake and got catapulted into the turnbuckle post and the Miz finally was able to nail Crews with his finisher. The match turned out much better than I was expecting and hopefully this feud will help Crews develop his persona and mic skills. WINNER: THE MIZ
AJ STYLES vs. JOHN CENA: The crowd was noticeably 80/20 in favor of the heel, Styles and that didn’t change much throughout the match. Every time Styles would get the upper hand, Cena cut him off with a stiff right hand to the face or a hard Irish Whip into the corner. Styles had a small opening and delivered a suplex to Cena onto the hard edge of the ring apron. But before Styles could capitalize off of it, Cena bounces back with a back body drop, sending Styles nearly into the roof of the Barclay Center. Styles once again tried to build momentum, but Cena hit him with his trademark shoulder blocks, protoplex and then the Five Knuckle Shuffle. He tried to nail Styles with the Attitude Adjustment, but Styles countered with a Pele Kick and then a Styles Clash, but Cena kicked out. Styles then got hit by the Attitude Adjustment, but Cena wasn’t able to put him away. Styles hit Cena with an Ushigoroshi, but Cena kicked out. A methodical start turned into a back and forth slobber knocker in the latter part of the match. Styles went for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Cena caught him and locked in the STF. Styles reversed this into the Calf Crusher. Cena then reversed this right back into the STF. Styles broke the hold, but Cena got Styles in the corner and nailed Styles with a Tornado DDT. He wisely followed up with his top rope leg drop, but was unable to get the three count on Styles. Cena pulled out all stops and drilled Styles with an avalanche Attitude Adjustment and was still unable to put away Styles. Styles countered a bewildered Cena who frustratingly tried to hit another AA, but Styles countered with another Styles Clash. He finally connected with a stiff Phenomenal Forearm, sealing the deal. WINNER: AJ STYLES
KARL ANDERSON & LUKE GALLOWS vs. THE NEW DAY (Tag Team Championship): With Jon Stewart in their corner, the New Day controlled the early minutes of the match. Quick tags allowed them to pummel Anderson. Kingston and Woods hit Gallows with a Unicorn Stampede. Anderson distracted Kingston while on the top rope, allowing Gallows to nail him with a side kick. Anderson tagged in and worked over the left arm of Kingston. Woods got the hot tag and hit Anderson with a top rope elbow, sailing over ¾ of the ring to do so. Anderson barely kicked out of the pin. Anderson and Gallows hit Woods with the Magic Killer, but before they could go for the pin, Jon Stewart, who was in the corner of the New Day, ran into the ring, distracting The Club. Gallows and Anderson then proceeded to deliver the same turnbuckle smash that put Big E out of commission. But the New Day’s entrance music hit and Big E came out to lay waste to Gallows & Anderson. Though The Club wins by disqualification, The New Day retained their titles. WINNERS: KARL ANDERSON & LUKE GALLOWS
DOLPH ZIGGLER vs. DEAN AMBROSE (WWE Championship): This devolved from a wrestling match into a brawl quite fast. Ambrose brawled with Ziggler inside and outside of the ring. Dean got Ziggler on the second rope and attempted to nail him with Dirty Deeds, but was unable to connect. Ambrose locked in a Single Leg Crab, but Ziggler reversed it. Ambrose looked to nail his elbow from the top rope, but Ziggler countered with a dropkick. Ambrose taunted Ziggler by mocking him for his super kick taunt, but then he went for Dirty Deeds. Ziggler escaped and nailed him with a Fameasser. Ambrose went for the top rope elbow again, this time connecting with it. The fight again spilled to the outside, with Ziggler hitting a super kick to Ambrose. He dragged Ambrose into the ring and after a bevy of counters, nailed Dean with the Zig Zag. Ziggler got frustrated and then locked in a grapevine submission. Ambrose escaped and then got clocked in the jaw, but returned the favor with a Lunatic Lariat. Ziggler attempted a top rope facebuster, but Ambrose countered and drilled his opponent with Dirty Deeds, retaining his WWE Championship. WINNER: DEAN AMBROSE
NAOMI, BECKY LYNCH & CARMELLA vs. NATALYA, ALEXA BLISS & NIKKI BELLA: Alexa Bliss started off with an aggressive pace against Becky Lynch, countering Lynch’s offense and countering with stiff shots of her own. Naomi and Natalya then got the tags and Natalya’s step over into a drop kick was countered and she was hit with a leg drop. Carmella then tagged in and tried to go toe to toe with Natalya. Carmella will one day be a great professional wrestler, but she obviously was called up from NXT too soon. Carmella went to the top rope, but a distraction from Alexa Bliss allowed Natalya to hit a powerslam. Nikki Bella tagged in and tried to keep Carmella in their corner, with several submissions and then a spinebuster. Bliss tagged in and hit a double knee to Carmella’s ribs then a backflip knee drop to Carmella’s abdomen. Natalya kept the pressure on Carmella with a modified abdominal stretch, one I’ve not seen since Scott Hall used it two decades ago. Becky Lynch got the hot tag and hit several lariats and followed up with the Becksploder suplex. She hit a triple side kick in the corner to all three of her opponents. Naomi and Bliss got the tags. Naomi attacked her with rapid fire bicycle kicks, but missed her attempted split legged moonsault. Nikki Bella in the end put away Carmella with a TKO. WINNERS: NATALYA, ALEXA BLISS & NIKKI BELLA
FINN BALOR vs. SETH ROLLINS (Universal Championship): Balor comes out of the gate with a stiff running dropkick and then a plancha to Rollins outside of the ring. He then began to work on Rollins’ left leg with kicks and a Dragon Screw. Rollins launched Balor over the security barrier, but Balor rebounded and hit Rollins with a diving forearm. For every bit of offense Rollins delivered, Balor had an answer. Rollins finally beat Balor to the punch and nailed him with a running powerbomb into the security barrier. Rollins tried to slow the match down with a front facelock. Balor tried to build momentum, but Rollins caught him with his Flatliner into the second turnbuckle. Rollins then used a chin lock, but Balor went back to work on Rollins’ leg. Rollins was able to fend off the attack and then hit a frog splash clear across to the other side of the ring, while turning in mid air. Rollins’ Pedigree attempt was countered, he kicked Balor, but Balor hit his overhead kick, flooring Rollins. Balor drilled Rollins with the 1916, but couldn’t get the pin fall. Balor went for the Coup de Grace, but Rollins evaded it and then locked in a triangle choke. Balor barely escaped before passing out. Rollins continued his assault with his turnbuckle powerbomb. Rollins had to pull out a move he hadn’t used in years, the Small Package Driver, but Balor was able to escape the pin. Rollins finally dished out the Pedigree, but Balor kicked out before the count of three. Balor hit another running drop kick. Rollins countered a Coup de Grace attempt with a superplex. Balor finally nailed Rollins with the Coup de Grace and pinned Rollins, becoming the first ever Universal Champion. WINNER: FINN BALOR
ROMAN REIGNS vs. RUSEV (United States Championship): Before the bell even started, this match turned into a street fight. Rusev used the ring stairs as a weapon. Reigns then viciously beat Rusev down. Reigns then used a steel chair to wail on Rusev. Referees came out to break the men up as things got out of hand before the match could officially begin. Though fans were probably robbed of a title match, the fact that they had a damn good brawl on Raw the week before makes this match not having an official winner a bit easier to digest. NO CONTEST
RANDY ORTON vs. BROCK LESNAR: These men’s stare down lasted all of a minute before Brock came at him with abdomen shots and an attempted German suplex. Orton escaped this and nearly hit Lesnar with an RKO. Lesnar went to town, delivering German suplex after German suplex. He hurled Orton onto the announcers’ table, which did not break. So Lesnar then hurled him back over the security barrier and through the table. Just as Lesnar attempted to slam Orton through the second announcers’ table, Orton nailed him with the RKO. Orton quickly dragged Lesnar into the ring and hit his Hangman’s DDT, which left Lesnar seeing stars. Orton wouldn’t stop and hit Lesnar with a second RKO. Lesnar kicked out of the pin, but was disoriented. Orton went for the punt to Lesnar’s head, but Brock quickly rebounded and hit Orton with an F-5. Orton barely kicked out before the three count. Lesnar then rained fists and forearms to Orton’s head, busting Orton wide open. While the medics were checking on Orton, Lesnar pulled them off and proceeded to attack Orton again. With the excessive blood loss, the referee called for the bell, stopping the match, giving the “beast incarnate” the win by TKO. But Shane McMahon, commissioner of SmackDown, tried to tend to Orton and get Lesnar to leave the ring; Brock nailed Shane with an F-5 as well. WINNER: BROCK LESNAR
If I had to rate this pay per view, I’d give it a 3.5 out of 5. There were some interesting matches, but quite a few botches during them and some entertaining promos that ran a tad too long. What were your though