NXT: Takeover Orlando was LIVE from the Amway Center in Orlando, FL on 4/1/17!
Sanity defeats Tye Dillinger/Kassius Ohno/Roderick Strong/Ruby Riot via pinfall after Dain pinned Dillinger with the Ultimate Dainsation. No Way Jose was attacked outside the arena earlier and thus, wasn’t cleared medically for the opening tag match. The crowd was ripe for this one! Great reaction for parties involved and when Ohno was revealed as the fourth member of the face tandem, the place erupted. An all out brawl started things off as Ruby Riot and Nikki Cross got after it early. Riot really is an impressive talent for those not familiar with her work. Ohno is tagged in and he drops several members of Sanity like a sack of nickels with vicious strikes. Eric Young with a distraction early and that allows the incredible underrated Alexander Wolfe to get in and show his stuff. Roddy Strong is tagged in and he goes bananas with backbreaker variants, the crowd in the palm of his hand. Roddy vs. the world! Killian Dain is in and he works Roddy over, sending him into the corner with a crisp corner dropkick. EY is in with a big elbow and Roddy is being worked over by the heels. Alex Wolfe adds insult to injury with a vicious European uppercut as Dain goes back to work as Strong looks for the tag, the “Perfect Ten” eager to meet the hand. The crowd with a “10” chant as he illegally enters the ring and stomps Young, but the ref forces him back to his corner. Dillinger in and he goes to work cleaning house with DDT’s, forearm strikes and hiptosses a plenty for the heels. Ruby Riot intercepts Nikki Cross as she tries to interfere. Dillinger with a crossbody and the crowd behind him before Dain cuts him down on the outside. Action on the outside as Ohno fakes a topei suicida, but he hits an apron handstand and lands on the floor, cleaning house. Ruby Riot tries to head over herself, but Cross cuts her off. A brawl ensues between the two and Dillinger and EY appear to be the legal men now. Ten strikes in the corner and Dain is in, but he eats a superkick. Ohno with a spinning forearm on Dain, but EY hits a leaping neckbreaker. EY sets up Dillinger, but he eats a Sick Kick from Roddy! It’s Strong and Dain, but the women jump on the backs of both Dain and Strong! Awesome! The action continues, but ultimately, Kain catches Dillinger in the ring with his version of the One-Winged Angel and it’s a three count! What an opener!
A quick shot of the NXT world champion, Bobby Roode, suit clad; backstage, and he’s staring at his title. A ringside shot of Hall of Famers Edge and Beth Phoenix, who are attending the show! What a tremendous speech from the Glamazon last night and I’m happy to see them there. Here comes Andrade “Cien” Almas and the former La Sombra will take on the debuting Aleister Black next!
Aleister Black defeats Andrade “Cien” Almas via pinfall with Black Mass. Holy crap, the former Tommy End rises up on a contraption that makes it appear that he’s coming out of a coffin. Incredible. Silence for this introduction and then a massive pop for this trusted talent. I can’t wait to enjoy this bout. A great early exchange beteen El Edolo and Black. A little showboating costs Black, but he’s up and he taunts Black with the “Tranquilo” pose on the ropes. Almas to the outside and Black appeases the senses with absolute magic. He stops a somersault senton attempt midair and he hits a moonsault into the meditative seated position. Incredible. Almas not pleased and he’s into the ring, taking charge with stomps and a suplex attempt. Cross armbar in the ropes by Almas, but the ref forces a rope break. A missile dropkick by Almas meets its mark and the crowd is willing Black back into it. Almas is sent to the outside after a Black comeback, and he then hits a triangle moonsault, shades of Kota Ibushi. Incredible. A victory roll nets him a two back in the ring, but Almas with rapid fire strikes and a boot to the side of the face. Almas again with the cross armbreaker on the ropes and again, a rope break. Black counters an Almas attempt, but he finds himself trapped in the oomaplata with a Fujiwara transition. Almas releases the hold, but issues Black several clubbing forearms. He misses the double knee strike and gets trapped for a nearfall. Both men knocked down after boots to the face of the other. Almas looks great and he nails the double knee strike in the corner. Almas tries for the hammerlock DDT, but it’s countered, but he still executes a snap german. Black back up and he knocks Almas loopy with several kicks and he nails Black Mass, the spinning heel kick, and it’s over! Nigel McGuiness accidentally calls Black the future of “Ring Of Honor” and quickly realizes that he screwed up, and continues on. It’s gonna happen. Honest mistake. Almas fades to black tonight with Aleister’s debut!
The Authors Of Pain defeat #DIY and The Revival via pinfall to retain the tag titles after a Super Collider on Dash and Dawson. “Top Guys” are out first, as they are joined shortly thereafter by #DIY and The world’s champions, the Authors Of Pain. William Regal presents the new NXT Tag Team Titles, which are beautiful. DIY and The Revival team up early to work over the Authors. A table is brought out by DIY and the crowd goes nuts! Akim speares both Ciampa and Gargano into the barrier, nullifying the table setup for the moment. The Authors are disposed of by Dash and Dawson and Johnny Wrestling as the Revival and DIY mix it up inside the ring. The Authors eventually come back, and Ciampa mixes it up with Akim. Ciampa looks for a tag to “Top Guys”, but Dash and Dawson aren’t keen on the idea of mixing it up with the Authors. This is confirmed as elimination style, we’v heard it from both Phillips and Nigel. The Revival eventually get the same treatment as Dawson is in the ring with Rezar, and DIY leave the apron, leaving Dawson to get destroyed by the Authors. DIY are back in and they take flight as Ciampa takes out one Author and Johnny Gargano hits a somersault plancha on the other! The crowd is loving it. A huge “Johnny Wrestling” chant breaks out for the impressive Gargano. Gargano leaps at the Authors, but Rezar and Akim literally throw Gargano into Dawson, who is trying a topei suicida. Gargano is then thrown into Ciampa. Gargano getting decimated by Rezar in the ring. The former “Albanian Psychopath” using his MMA background to ground Gargano with vicious strikes. Akim reaching into the submission past as Gargano’s back is worked over in a Torture Rack. Gargano down the back and he shoots Akim into a knee strikes from Dawson. Ciampa gets the hot tag and goes nuts. He clears the ring and even hits a snap suplex on Akim! A knee strike nets a near fall for Ciampa, but he doesn’t get the three. Ciampa goes over the top of Rezar and he tries to get him off the apron through the table, but after aide from Gargano and double forearms from “Top Guys”, Rezar is powerbombed through the table! Wow! That was awesome! Dawson gets the reverse figure four on Akim, and Gargano thinks about breaking it up, but instead he applies a crossface for the double submission. Akim doesn’t tap! Rezar climbs out of the rubble and moves through Ciampa and Wilder to save his partner. Wow! We then see the knee strike superkick combo and the Shatter Machine with opposite partners! DIY and The Revival literally dispose of the champs helping the partner of the opposing team. Order the network just for that spot! Gargano and Wilder with topei suicidas to the outside on the champs. And then…perhaps the spot of the year. I am speechless. Scott Dawson superplexes Johnny Gargano off the top rope onto the four men on the outside. What an absolute work of art this is. The hatred of the Revival and DIY causes the first elimination though. Dawson rolls Ciampa into the ring and Rezar and Akim are able to execute the Last Chapter! DIY is eliminated and it’s down to the Authors and Top Guys! Dash and Dawson can’t put AOP away after a top rope reverse bulldog and two european uppercut/german suplex combos. Last Chapter attempted again, but Wilder eats the move as Dawson gets a nearfall, but to no avail. Wilder is destroyed by Rezar and sent to the outside as Akim toys with Dawson, who gets a small package, but only for two. Rezar and Akim pick up Top Guys and they hit the super collider powerbomb and it’s a three count and absolute domination by the Authors, who retain their titles. What a pleasure to watch!
Asuka defeats Ember Moon via pinfall with a Roundhouse Kick to retain the NXT Women’s Title. “The Empress of Tomorrow” looks to continue her year long reign of destruction as she takes on her toughest challenger to date in the fiery Ember Moon. Great reactions and well deserved for both women, and this should be a fine matchup. Tough to be unbiased here, I’m a huge Asuka mark, but I am looking forward to this as Ember’s top rope stunner finish is a thing of beauty. The Dallas native is up to the task as the bell sounds. Lest I forget, the NXT women’s title gets a new look as well and it looks like a traditional title instead of the glammed up belt. I’m completely okay with this as it doesn’t detract from the work of the athlete whereas the old “Divas” butterfly title was an eye sore. Several armdrag exchanges start us off as Asuka toys with Ember as she fakes a rope charge instead issuing a hip attack. Asuka talking a little trash after hitting another hip attack that sent Ember into the guard rail on the outside. Asuka with several boots to Ember’s head, mocking her. Ember fighting to get back to a vertical base and she stops an Asuka boot. She’s up and right back down with another hip attack. Asuka with a reverse waistlock as Ember fights out of the attempted Asuka Lock with elbow strikes and a throw. A forearm from Moon sends the champ to the outside as Moon runs the ropes and takes flight to the outside with a high cross body! Wow! Moon looking for the Eclipse, but Asuka spots the position. Moon off the turnbuckle and into the ropes. Asuka grounds her and nails a vicious shining wizard for a near fall. Asuka with vicious strikes and she applies the Asuka Lock! She can’t keep position, and she switches into a grounded sleeper, but she gets position with the legs and the Asuka Lock has been applied! Moon looking to persevere where Bayley couldn’t and she fights towards the ropes. Moon fading fast and she’s down to one knee. She’s back up with Asuka on her back and she drops back, driving the champ into the mat. Both women are down. Asuka misses a hip attack, and Ember strikes with a vicious kick to the side of the face! A head-scissors takedown by Moon and a basement dropkick follows. Moon hits a fallaway slam and the champ is in trouble! Moon hits the somersault corner clothesline and Moon looks to end things as she tries to springboard off the ropes but Asuka nails a clubbing shot to the back. German suplex by Asuka! Ember Moon with a lep trap exploder suplex over the head! Insane! Moon to the top and she’s trying to get into position for the Eclipse. Asuka pushes the referee into the ropes! Moon spills off the ropes and down onto the mat. Roundhouse kick to the head! Three count and it’s over. Asuka heels her way to the victory. That was savage and what a way to continue what is developing into a fine feud. The referee questions what Asuka had done and she feigns ignorance. I audibly chuckled. That was a fine contest and this show is really turning into something fantastic.
Holy crap, it’s Drew McIntyre! The former Intercontinental Champion is ringside at NXT and after traveling the globe and honing his craft, could the “Futureshock” be present in a WWE or NXT ring again here in short order? I’m eager to see what happens there. Drew has made a name for himself, traveling the globe and entertaining fans in various independent promotions. He’s held world title belts and sold out shows. Good stuff. We see SWAGsuke backstage getting ready for his rematch against “Glorious” Bobby Roode and the world title match is up next!
Bobby Roode defeats Shinsuke Nakamura via pinfall with the Glorious DDT to retain the NXT World Title. Swagsuke out to a deafening reaction that he rightfully deserves as she is clad in red tiger stripe ring attire, looking as charismatic as always. Roode gets an unbelievable introduction as dueling pianos are played with effortless ease by two very talented women. GLORIOUS! The crowd sings along as the veteran hand and NXT world champion makes his way out onto the ramp, clad in a robe that would make the “Nature Boy” proud. It’s white and black and I need that in my closet. Awesome, simply awesome. They need to let Bobby compete in that robe as he and Nakamura will have a legit clash here. Early feeling out process as Swagsuke eventually does the stomach hang taunt that he does. Roode goes for the Glorious pose, but Nakamura pushes him away with a stiff boot. Very funny. Nakamura with a knee strike, snapmare and a knee drop as the split crowd is supporting both incredible athletes. Both these major league talents will be headlining fed shows in short order. Good vibrations in the corner from Nakamura as Roode retreats to the outside. Nakamura with a headbutt to the abdomen as he tries for a suplex to the outside which Roode blocks. A dropkick from Roode puts Nakamura on the apron and then Roode strikes, sending Swagsuke into the guard rail. Roode takes charge after this, grounding Nakamura and he works him over with right hands as Shinsuke writhes in pain. Roode applies a nerve hold as we get a shot of the beautiful new NXT world title. The crowd willing Nakamura back into it, and “The King Of Strong Style” fights out of it, but Roode takes him back down, getting a near fall after a knee drop. Nakamura is caught in a sleeper hold for a brief second before he snapmares Roode over and nails a spinning heel kick, grounding the champ. The crowd singing Nakamura’s song as the challenger takes control with vicious strikes. Nakamura crashes into Roode in the corner and he drapes him across the ropes, rolling back and surging in with the knee strike. Roode draped across the apron and Swagsuke with a charging knee and he’s taken charge of this. A two count from Nakamura on the champ, and Shinsuke looks for a german suplex, but Roode fights out. Nakamura hits the ropes, but Roode nearly decapitates Nakamura with a massive lariat! Roode with boots and chops in the corner, but Nakamura counters with a single leg dropkick. Nakamura tries for the Kinshasa, but Roode sidesteps and he cuts the knee out from under the challenger. Roode with elbows to the knee and he drags him over the corner, slamming the knee into the steel ring post. Nakamura is obvious pain as Roode stomps away at the knee, back inside the ring. Roode slaps Nakamura down and he applies a figure four leglock as Shinsuke writhes in pain, but refuses to tap. Nakamura counters the move and is able to escape, but Roode stays on the knee with stomps. Roode shouts that he’s the champ, but Nakamura catches him with the armbar! Nakamura looking to transition into the triangle choke, but Roode tries to power out, but Nakamura counters back into the armbar! Roode is about to tap, but he gets the foot on the ropes and the hold is broken! Strong style kicks by Shinsuke and Nakamura runs Roode’s head into the top turnbuckle. Nakamura misses a knee strike attempt and he reinjures the knee. Roode is back in, but Nakamura with his free leg is kicking at the biceps tendon. They are working the injured body part of their opposition. It’s a staredown as both men rise, they exchange shots, and Roode tries for the Glorious DDT. Nakamura with a knee strike counter and he gets just a small piece of Roode for a two count. Nakamura sets up for the Kinshasa, but Roode rolls out of the ring. Nakamura pulls him back in, and Roode kicks the ropes, crotching Nakamura. GLORIOUS DDT! Two count! Wow! Roode put some stank on that one too! What a show. This is absolutely sensational and I almost feel bad for the main roster again this year. I also remember how lackluster much of ‘Mania was last year too, but this year’s card looks superb. Roode goes outside of the ring for the ring bell, clutching it with his free hand. The ref takes the belt and Nakamura strikes with a roundhouse kick and a reverse exploder. He sets up for the Kinshasa, spinebuster counter by Roode! Nakamura wills himself back into it with shoulders to the abdomen, but Roode chopblocks the knee once again. Roode looks for a tornado DDT, but Nakamura halts it, only to be drilled with the Glorious DDT! Three count and Roode retains! Nakamura looks to be main roster bound, perhaps as soon as Monday or Tuesday! Congrats to Bobby and what a superb match and a show that was an absolute pleasure to recap!